Submission #1453836

Source Code Expand

#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>
#include <cassert>
#define repeat(i, n) for (int i = 0; (i) < int(n); ++(i))
using ll = long long;
using namespace std;
template <class T> inline void setmin(T & a, T const & b) { a = min(a, b); }

int main() {
    int n; scanf("%d", &n);
    vector<vector<pair<int, int> > > g(n);
    repeat (i, n - 1) {
        int a, v; scanf("%d%d", &a, &v);
        g[a - 1].emplace_back(i + 1, v);
        g[i + 1].emplace_back(a - 1, v);
    function<vector<tuple<ll, ll, ll> > (int, int)> dfs = [&](int i, int parent) {
        vector<tuple<ll, ll, ll> > left;
        vector<tuple<ll, ll, ll> > right;
        for (auto edge : g[i]) {
            int j, value; tie(j, value) = edge;
            if (j != parent) {
                auto x = dfs(j, i);
                auto & y = left.empty() ? left : right;
                assert (y.empty());
                for (auto x_i : x) {
                    ll x1, x2, xmin; tie(x1, x2, xmin) = x_i;
                    y.emplace_back(x1 + value, x2 + value, xmin);
        if (left.empty()) {
            vector<tuple<ll, ll, ll> > result;
            result.emplace_back(0, 0, 0);
            return result;
        assert (not right.empty());
        vector<tuple<ll, ll, ll> > result;
        for (auto l : left) {
            ll l1, l2, lmin; tie(l1, l2, lmin) = l;
            for (auto r : right) {
                ll r1, r2, rmin; tie(r1, r2, rmin) = r;
                auto push = [&](ll a, ll b, ll c) {
                    if (a < b) swap(a, b);
                    result.emplace_back(a, b, max(c, max(lmin, rmin)));
                push(l1, r1, l2 + r2);
                push(l1, r2, l2 + r1);
                push(l2, r1, l1 + r2);
                push(l2, r2, l1 + r1);
        int k = result.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++ i) {
            ll i1, i2, imin; tie(i1, i2, imin) = result[i];
            bool found = false;
            repeat (j, k) if (j != i) {
                ll j1, j2, jmin; tie(j1, j2, jmin) = result[j];
                if (j1 <= i1 and j2 <= i2 and jmin <= imin) {
                    found = true;
            if (found) {
                swap(result[i], result[k - 1]);
                -- i;
                -- k;
        return result;
    auto acc = dfs(0, -1);
    constexpr ll inf = ll(1e18)+9;
    ll result = inf;
    for (auto it : acc) {
        setmin(result, get<2>(it));
    printf("%lld\n", result);
    return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task E - Shik and Travel
User kimiyuki
Language C++14 (Clang 3.8.0)
Score 0
Code Size 2935 Byte
Status TLE
Exec Time 5256 ms
Memory 83820 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 0 / 1400
AC × 4
AC × 50
TLE × 4
Set Name Test Cases
Sample example0.txt, example1.txt, example2.txt, example3.txt
All 000.txt, 001.txt, 002.txt, 003.txt, 004.txt, 005.txt, 006.txt, 007.txt, 008.txt, 009.txt, 010.txt, 011.txt, 012.txt, 013.txt, 014.txt, 015.txt, 016.txt, 017.txt, 018.txt, 019.txt, 020.txt, 021.txt, 022.txt, 023.txt, 024.txt, 025.txt, 026.txt, 027.txt, 028.txt, 029.txt, 030.txt, 031.txt, 032.txt, 033.txt, 034.txt, 035.txt, 036.txt, 037.txt, 038.txt, 039.txt, 040.txt, 041.txt, 042.txt, 043.txt, 044.txt, 045.txt, 046.txt, 047.txt, 048.txt, 049.txt, example0.txt, example1.txt, example2.txt, example3.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
000.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
001.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
002.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
003.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
004.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
005.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
006.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
007.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
008.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
009.txt AC 3 ms 384 KB
010.txt AC 141 ms 8448 KB
011.txt AC 140 ms 8448 KB
012.txt AC 141 ms 8448 KB
013.txt AC 138 ms 8448 KB
014.txt AC 137 ms 8448 KB
015.txt AC 134 ms 8448 KB
016.txt AC 146 ms 8448 KB
017.txt AC 138 ms 8448 KB
018.txt AC 138 ms 8448 KB
019.txt AC 125 ms 8448 KB
020.txt AC 137 ms 8448 KB
021.txt AC 138 ms 8448 KB
022.txt AC 135 ms 8448 KB
023.txt AC 137 ms 8448 KB
024.txt AC 146 ms 8448 KB
025.txt AC 143 ms 8448 KB
026.txt AC 78 ms 8576 KB
027.txt AC 142 ms 8448 KB
028.txt AC 78 ms 8448 KB
029.txt AC 75 ms 8448 KB
030.txt AC 96 ms 8448 KB
031.txt AC 107 ms 8448 KB
032.txt AC 113 ms 8448 KB
033.txt AC 105 ms 8448 KB
034.txt AC 107 ms 8448 KB
035.txt AC 99 ms 8448 KB
036.txt AC 97 ms 8448 KB
037.txt AC 93 ms 8448 KB
038.txt AC 98 ms 8448 KB
039.txt AC 64 ms 8448 KB
040.txt TLE 5256 ms 58336 KB
041.txt TLE 5256 ms 82604 KB
042.txt TLE 5256 ms 58356 KB
043.txt TLE 5256 ms 83820 KB
044.txt AC 85 ms 36096 KB
045.txt AC 82 ms 22272 KB
046.txt AC 214 ms 26284 KB
047.txt AC 161 ms 23512 KB
048.txt AC 276 ms 31744 KB
049.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
example0.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
example1.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
example2.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
example3.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB